Male, female, male doctor stand smiling in operating room holding TriClip box

Loma Linda University Health's International Heart Institute has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by successfully performing the region's first TriClip procedure, offering new hope for patients suffering from tricuspid valve regurgitation. This innovative procedure, led by Jason Hoff, MD, director of the structural heart program, marks a significant advancement in cardiac care.

Tricuspid valve regurgitation, a condition where the valve fails to close correctly, causes blood to flow backward into the heart, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and swelling in the legs or abdomen. Historically, treatment options were limited, especially for patients who were not ideal candidates for open-heart surgery due to high operative risks.

The TriClip device, recently approved by the FDA, allows for a minimally invasive transcatheter edge-to-edge repair of the tricuspid valve. Unlike traditional surgeries, this procedure involves inserting a clip via a catheter to bring the valve's leaflets together, significantly reducing or even eliminating regurgitation.

Hoff, who performed the procedure with cardiologists Purvi Parwani, MD, and Amr Mohsen, MD, said the TriClip is a game-changer for patients with tricuspid valve regurgitation.

"Many have suffered for years with limited options, but now we can offer a safe and effective treatment that drastically improves their quality of life," Hoff said. "We were privileged to be among the first in the country to receive training and bring this advanced therapy to our community."

Loma Linda University Health is the first in the Inland Empire, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange County regions to offer the TriClip procedure, further solidifying its commitment to providing cutting-edge cardiac care.

"This isn't just about being first; it's about delivering the best possible care to our patients," Hoff said. "We are excited to expand this program and help more patients regain their health and quality of life."

For more information about the other advanced cardiac treatments available at Loma Linda University Health's International Heart Institute, visit itsĀ webpage or callĀ 1-800-468-5432 to make an appointment.