The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series will kick off its 2018-2019 season with an Oct. 24 presentation by pulmonologist and sleep medicine physician Roger Seheult on improving sleep for optimal learning and better health.
The series offers eight free presentations throughout the year on a variety of topics relating to wholeness, wellness and spiritual values.
The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series carries the name of the late wholeness and spirituality pioneer whose groundbreaking work on whole person care spanned more than five decades at Loma Linda University Health. Alexander served as a professor at the School of Medicine, professor at the School of Religion, and founded the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness. He died in 2016 at the age of 95.
Workshops in the series are held on specified Wednesday evenings from 5 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. in Damazo Amphitheater at Centennial Complex on the campus of Loma Linda University Health. All are welcome and reservations are not required.
Dates and presentations in the series include:
- Oct. 24: In his lecture “Sleep on it,” Dr. Seheult will discuss tips for improving sleep for optimal learning and better health.
- Nov. 14: Executive Director of Patient Experience at Loma Linda University Jennifer McDonald will present on her framework for excellence in patient-centered care in “Connection, Compassion and Communication.”
- Nov. 28: Sigve K. Tonstad, MD, theologian and author, will lead a discussion on taking a day of rest in a hectic week in “The Sabbath as meaning-maker in busy lives.”
- Jan. 9: A backpacker for 50 years, author and traveler Barney Scout Mann will share stories from the Pacific Crest, Appalachian, and the Continental Divide trails in “Exploring America’s Wilderness.”
- Jan. 23: In “Food for Thought,” Olivia Moses, DrPH, director of Corporate Health and Wellness at LLU, will discuss how the audience can build brain power through nutrition.
- Feb. 27: Attendees will help select the winners of The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series Student Film Festival, featuring videos created around the theme of “Depictions of Love.”
- March 6: Alan Fadling, MDiv., president and founder of Unhurried Living, Inc., will present “Unhurried Living,” a discussion on how one can maintain healthy rhythms of work and rest to improve health, well-being and balance in one’s life.
- April 10: Hyatt Moore, MA, Christian artist and owner of the Hyatt Moore Art Gallery, will discuss his inclusive interpretation of the Beatitudes in “Blessed are We.” His art pieces will be on display and prints of his work will be available for sale.
Workshops are sponsored by the schools of Allied Health Professions, Behavioral Health, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Religion and the Loma Linda University Office of Student Affairs.
Additional information about the Wil Alexander Wholeness Series is available online at its website.