Loma Linda University Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has been re-accredited by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC) as a level 4 epilepsy center, which is the highest-level designation from the NAEC.
Level 4 epilepsy centers have the professional expertise and facilities to provide the highest level of medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy.
The Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at LLUMC is the leading center for epilepsy care in Southeastern California and is the only institution in the Inland Empire with the level 4 designation.
The center offers a full spectrum of diagnostic services, including inpatient video EEG monitoring, outpatient EEG, MRI, PET, ictal spect and neuropsychological testing. Treatment plans are tailored to the needs of individual patients and may include expert medication management, surgical therapy and collaboration with behavioral health professionals.
"This re-accreditation is the result of the continued hard work of a highly dedicated team of healthcare professionals and I am very excited that we are able to offer patients of all ages a wide range of treatment options to treat their seizures,” says Travis Losey, MD, medical director for adult neurology at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.
Since 2006, the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has been recognized by the NAEC for its comprehensive epilepsy care as a level 4 center.
The NAEC accreditation process is designed to define and incentivize standards of care for comprehensive epilepsy care and serve as an avenue to collect data on the types and volume of services provided by epilepsy centers.
For more information on Loma Linda University Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center visit, lluh.org/epilepsycenter or call 909-558-2880.