New Children's Hospital tower
Children’s Hospital Pediatric Acute Care services will occupy floors 7 to 9 in the south tower of the future hospital. Uniquely constructed to provide the most advanced care for our pediatric patients, each of the three floors features:
- 28 single occupancy patient rooms (14 rooms per wing)
- Two med prep rooms (one per wing)
- One dedicated staff lounge with locker storage per floor
- Bright and cheerful paint colors in alignment with the Children’s Hospital palette
- One playroom per floor with interior views of beautiful, pastel colored dichroic glass panels
- Family lounges on each floor include space for family nourishment.
Each of the three floors has unique components as well. These include:
- Floor 7 features a learning center to assist our pediatric patients with continuing everyday learning activities when hospitalized. There is also a dedicated staff lactation room, and a formula prep room.
- Floor 8 has a satellite pharmacy dedicated to Children’s Hospital needs. There are also four dedicated offices for staff and two on-call rooms
- Floor 9 has a 656-square-foot physical therapy treatment room adjacent to the playroom, as well as teen playroom for older pediatric patients. Six of the rooms on Floor 9 are designed to serve patients who need EEG monitoring.
The ongoing hospital construction is a part of Loma Linda University Health’s Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow. New buildings for adult patients and an addition to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital will exceed California’s upcoming seismic requirements for hospitals.
You can follow the rise of the towers on a daily basis by checking the construction web cams.
We're sharing photographic updates of the hospital construction work on a periodic basis. Watch for special emphasis on some of the behind-the-scenes-views and untold stories at the Vision 2020 website.
Dennis E. Park posts regular updates and photos on the project, which appear on the website www.docuvision2020.com.