Schuman Pavilion bridge glass covering
Workers placed glass panels along both sides of the new Schuman Pavilion Bridge during late November, completing the exterior of the pedestrian crossover facility. As visitors approach the bridge, the panels, a unique combination of spandrel glass on top and bottom surrounding a transparent middle section, will be reflecting the surroundings and should offer some dramatic images at various times of the day.
The Schuman Pavilion Bridge connects the new Medical Center’s second floor with the newly constructed Schuman Pavilion elevator tower. Patients will be able to safely move between the two structures as they take advantage of services that will be housed in Schuman Pavilion.
Spandrel glass tends to be opaque and often appears to have a mirrored surface. The product was designed as an architectural material used to cover construction materials, disguising things like arches and columns. In the case of the Schuman Pavilion Bridge, the glass was selected for use to present a finished, seamless exterior to the bridge.
The ongoing hospital construction is a part of Loma Linda University Health’s Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow. New buildings for adult patients and an addition to the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital will exceed California’s upcoming seismic requirements for hospitals.
You can follow the rise of the towers on a daily basis by checking the construction web cams.
We're sharing photographic updates of the hospital construction work on a periodic basis. Watch for special emphasis on some of the behind-the-scenes-views and untold stories at the Vision 2020 website.
This vignette is adapted from a blog by Dennis E. Park, which appears on the website www.docuvision2020.com.