Cal Med Force grant
Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium has been awarded over $3.5 million by Physicians for a Healthy California (the California Medical Association Foundation) — the highest amount received this cycle from CalMedForce to support medical training, expand residency programs, and grow the physician workforce in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
"This funding allows Loma Linda University Health to accept 20 additional residency positions to serve the needs of medically underserved groups across our communities," said Daniel Giang, MD, associate dean for Graduate Medical Education (GME) at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. "A special thanks goes to California Medical Association and San Bernardino County Medical Society for selecting our GME programs as funding recipients as we train resident physicians that will serve our area for many years to come.”
Loma Linda University Health residency programs that will receive this funding include family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and obstetrics/gynecology.
Since 2016, Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium has received nearly $13 million through CalMedForce grants to support resident physicians that stay and serve the growing region.
“We are so proud to be able to award this funding of $3.5 million on behalf of the California Medical Association and our local medical society. We applaud Loma Linda University Health’s commitment to prioritize the retention of physicians in the Inland Empire,” said Kristina Roloff, DO, president of the San Bernardino County Medical Society. “We value our partnership and will continue to work together to ultimately expand access to patient care at all levels.”
This is the fourth round of funding from CalMedForce, which is generated by the voter-approved Proposition 56 tobacco tax (2016) and administered by Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC), formerly the California Medical Association Foundation, and supports 214 residency positions in 114 GME programs at hospitals and clinics throughout California. This cycle marks the largest applicant pool to date, with 125 applications requesting over $99.5 million in funding to support 558 resident positions.
The California Future Health Workforce Commission estimated that California will need 4,700 additional primary care clinicians by 2025 and approximately 4,100 more by 2030 to meet demand. PHC, in partnership with the University of California (UC), established the CalMedForce grant program to help address California’s looming physician shortage by supporting the residency programs where medical school graduates must continue training to obtain a medical license and care for patients independently.
Currently, there are over 900 residents and fellows training in over 60 accredited training programs at Loma Linda University Health. Most of these physicians and dentists will practice in the Inland Empire and throughout California.
More information about LLUH residency programs is available online.