Workers continue to make progress toward completing Loma Linda University Health’s future adult hospital tower and Children’s Hospital. The adult tower will provide 320 individual patient care rooms along with a number of world class health care services.
Capping the adult tower is a new conference and education center and a new helicopter landing pad. The conference center will be the site of a range of educational conferences and special events, many of them showcasing Loma Linda University Health’s education, research and clinical care.
The helipad will allow patients facing immediate health crises to be brought to the Medical Center via helicopter, reducing transportation time, and facilitating more immediate treatment for the most urgent needs. Loma Linda University Health serves an area equal to 25% of California’s territory.
When completed, the new hospital facilities will be a place where 4,700 students and 700 residents progress in their education. Many of those students will become long-term members of the Loma Linda University Health team, while others will take what they have learned here to communities across the globe.
The most visible aspect of Vision 2020 – the Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow, the new adult hospital and Children’s Hospital tower will incorporate leading advances in patient safety and comfort. The new buildings meet the future needs for adaptability and expansion, and will serve as an educational and research hub to shape health care in the United States and around the world.
You can follow the rise of the towers on a daily basis by checking the construction web cams.
We're sharing photographic updates of the hospital construction work on a periodic basis. Watch for special emphasis on some of the behind-the-scenes-views and untold stories at the Vision 2020 website.
This vignette is adapted from a blog by Dennis E. Park, which appears on the website www.docuvision2020.com.