Leadership from all five Adventist health systems gathered at Loma Linda University Health recently to participate in Adventist Bioethics in the 21st Century: A conference for leaders in health care.
The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership joined with the Center for Christian Bioethics to host the day-long conference, which focused on meeting the practical needs of those who are providing bioethics leadership within the systems.
According to Gerald Winslow, PhD, director, Loma Linda University Institute for Health Policy and Leadership, “The bioethics conference was fostered in part by a vision statement developed collaboratively by the leaders of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the mission vice presidents for the five Adventist health systems in North America.”
At the end of the conference, a survey of all attendees was taken; many stated that they appreciated learning about bioethics resources as well as the importance for funding. Others appreciated the opportunity to work on case studies and to network with colleagues from other health systems. All of the participants indicated strong support for holding future bioethics conferences on at least an annual basis. Information about upcoming Institute for Health Policy events is available here. Plans are now being made for the next bioethics conference, to be held in 2017.